Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 26 NaPoWriMo

A Wound April 10. 2008

Did you ever take
your bicycle
and position
the training wheels
so that the back wheel
of the bike
was over a hole?

Then climb on
and pedal like crazy
but not go anywhere?

My son did that
with encouragement
from some friends

only Nay somehow
got his hand in the chain.

Crunch, scream
blood, dirt
crying, yelling
blood, blood

Where was I when this was happening?
How could I let my little guy
get hurt like this?

Why hadn’t I sealed him
in a capsule
away from the monster
bicycles of life?

1 comment:

paisley said...

this was such a heartfelt mothers cry.. not having raised children of my own i was spared,, but i feel the emotion,, and know the questions and the feeling of inadequacy they root in.....

Linda's Poems