Friday, February 29, 2008


for Writers' Island February 29, 2009
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On the south
side of our house
in a sunny spot
the snow
has melted
away from the foundation
and crocus leaves
have stuck their
noses out
of the ground.

Inside the house
I sit in the warm
glow of my
computer screen
feeding logs
of ideas
into the fire
of my poetry.


Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, I like your "no ideas but in things," approach - nicely grounded. But, my computer screen glows ice-cube cold - - lucky you.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

What a beautiful little poem! Well done.

I have a daffodil that comes up every year, early; it tries to bloom, but often the bud is bent with ice from continuing snowstorms. I always go out and tie her up to a stick, so she doesn't have to bloom face down, in the mud.

I *heart* my computer.

paisley said...

the whole poem makes me feel warm and cozy......

anthonynorth said...

And spring is so close, here. I yearn for it.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Smiling here at the "logs of ideas". The word "logs' has so many meanings in your line! That indeed is dramatic empowerment!

Lovely write!

Smiles and Light

Lifeless in Ohio said...

I too find the anomity (I hope that is a word) of blogging into a computer empowering.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed again!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful images. I can feel the warmth of that idea log!

UL said...

you do them really well, Linda...

Craftsman of light said...

Hi Linda jacobs;
Liked the hot purifying flames rising out out your mind's furnace;the alchemy between the emotions and words rendering what you call "empowered".
Really nice.

Scot said...

liked the poem--strong close.

Anonymous said...

I totally relate. But you know that already!

Tumblewords: said...

Nifty comparisons, similes, metaphors and empowerables! :) A great poem well-layered!

Yours truly Mason said...

loved the part with the you feeding the logs into your fired of poetry very clever useage of words i loved the poem!!!

Jeques said...


I love the parallelism you created in the mind in this piece. It is refreshing to read this little poem taking the impending season as inspiration to fuel your poetry.

Very graceful and endearing thoughts.

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Anonymous said...

Lovely piece. Full of hope.

Rambler said...

ah very nice take on the prompt, so we do feel empowered when we get to speak and discuss over ideas with people all across the world

Preethi said...

haha loved it.. you paint just the picture here.. and here the snow hasnt even melted outside :)


Rob Kistner said...

What a splendid bit of writing here. I loved your taking us to the dual environs of this poem... ;)

aMus said...

never thought a poem could actually make me feel the warmth...

*logs of ideas...what a lovely line...:)

Linda's Poems