Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NaPoWriMo #21: Perfection/Imperfection & Monday Poetry Train

The Perfection of a Four-year-old

Kylie is working
on math
in an activity book.

Seven fingers go up
in the air

and three get covered.
4 she writes
“Great,” I say.

And on she goes
until she gets to

She opens her hands
and counts
only ten fingers

Perplexed, she guesses
5, then goes on
to the next problem.

But then she thinks
about it
and knows she’s wrong.

This time she counts
an imaginary finger,
erases the 5,

and replaces it with 6.
When she’s done the page,
I correct her answers

and put 100% at the top.
She shakes her head,
draws a line

through her grade,
and writes 1X


Gemma Wiseman said...

O this is so adorable! Beautifully described moment!

gautami tripathy said...

For a math teacher, this was a pleasure to read!

clouds roll over

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Linda, this is lovely. Great images and the magic we hold in our mind.


Julia Phillips Smith said...

How exciting to see the moment it dawned on her.

Linda's Poems