Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Knew Instantly...for Sunday Scribblings

I have no women’s intuition
My first impressions are always wrong

I don’t
trust myself
Ideas have to percolate for awhile
When I go Christmas shopping

I never
buy anything
on that first trip and I hate it
I’ve never known anything instantly.


Roan said...

For some, instantly doesn't work, but perhaps you are merely having trouble listening to yourself. Stand quietly the next time you go shopping and see if you can hear your feelings. ;)

anthonynorth said...

'Tis the choice, me thinks. If there was less, shopping would be so much easier.

Tumblewords: said...

I always know 'instantly' there are too many things, too many. Sigh. I've never been one to gamble on the instant knowledge game, either!

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

I loved this post...I on the other hand do not want to "shop around". If choose something that I like instantly, I don't want to know if that was a mistake.

Hang in there. It will be over before very long. Then it will be one whole year before we do it again. Smile!


Rosey said...

There's a big difference between knowing instantly and THINKING you know instantly. I often have to return things to shops because I thought... you know what I mean!!

Giggles said...

I agree with Rosey.... intuition comes in a flash whisper....I don't believe you have none. Possibly you are misinterpreting it. In actuality it's built on patterns....when patterns change the intuition is sparked. Christmas shopping is completely different...perplexing if you aren't hanging with the person often.I usually get it wrong. But I have impeccable intuition which often gets skewed with thoughts.
Good take on the prompt.

Hugs Giggles

paisley said...

accept how to create poetry out of the simplest of things... and that my dear is a gift i would much rather have than anything you could buy.....

present said...

You know yourself. You trust that you don't know. That, you instantly know.

Anonymous said...

Bravo for a different response to this prompt. Honest and strong.

Anonymous said...

i shop instantly .. for other things its a slow process.. :)

nice post

anno said...

Oh, me too! You've said it just perfectly... I had a hard time with this prompt for all the reasons you express here so well.

Tammy Brierly said...

You must be a Virgo like me. ;) I stink at shopping and gift giving.

Sandra.if said...

that happens to me too...:) it is like a need to make things to decant...

Linda's Poems