Sunday, December 16, 2007

Birds and Bonds

Birds and Bonds for TOP December 13, 2007

I had no idea what I was going to write about but those birds seemed to say to me that sometimes we just can't get away from people we want to. So, I sat in front of my computer at school and just went for it. This needs tweaking, for sure, and If I liked it more, I would.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She marvels at the white
of Mt. Washington
against the blue tablecloth
of the sky
as she returns home
for Christmas vacation.

Driving into Gorham
she passes Mike’s
house, decorated
with tiny white lights
as cold as icicles.

Her own home
is bright with caramel
welcoming her to sweet

While shopping
the next afternoon
she spies Mike
in the same store.
A chainsaw
roars to life
in her chest.
She turns around
to leave
but not before
he calls her name.

“Don’t stop” says
her brain.
“Turn around and smile”
commands her heart.

Blood spatters on her ribs.
Brown eyes flecked with gold.
The saw hits her lungs;
air leaks out.
That smile,
that voice.

The one saying,
“I’d like you
to meet my

Her left arm
slides around his.
Shake hands.
Brain numb.

Finally, turn to go.
She walks home
leaving red footprints
in the snow.


gautami tripathy said...

Copy/paste this after removing the space after <. It will work.Do save it somewhere. However, it is not difficult. You can remember in no time.

< a href="">linda's poems< /a>

gautami tripathy said...

I forgot. I like your poem too. Metaphorically very well done.

reading room

PS: If you still don't get it, please email me. I will send it to you.

sister AE said...

the pain of this is so sharp, especially
"against the blue tablecloth
of the sky"

it is not an easy poem, but it is not an easy situation, either.

Anonymous said...

Technically excellent poem. The buzz of the saw goes right through the reader. The contrast with the first stanza, setting a calm and beautiful scene makes the violence of the emotion all the more stark and real. Great poem on a difficult subject, very visceral.

Linda's Poems