Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3WW: Yawn, Race, Dull

I packed a few things
in a paper bag

ran out to the car
and raced off quickly

before you noticed.
My phone rang

almost immediately.
"I saw what you did.

I can't trust you.
You lied. Don't call

me again." And I hung up.
I had no where to go

but I started driving.
The night yawned

and I could smell
the bad breath

of an uncertain future.
Raindrops dulled

my windshield. Or maybe
it was tears. I drove

all night. I followed
the half moon into life.


Jae Rose said...

I love these little paper have to hold them tight to keep them from the rain..I like the half moon..a healthy mix of hope and reason..Jae

Felicity said...

Oh my God. I love this. The imagery, the sadness of it all, the "plot" - everything. Great work! :)

Sheilagh Lee said...

Great imagery in this one.very deeply felt poem.

gautami tripathy said...

There was never a dull moment. A poem with a wonderful pace..

while the instrument plays

andy sewina said...

Phew, gritty stuff!

Old Egg said...

This piece was a great read. Succinct, no guessing what happened but the realisation of the event is etched in every word.

Rallentanda said...

Wonderful poem...I was there with you!

Linda's Poems