Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Whirl: At Ponce de Leon Park

At Ponce de Leon Park

The ocean is a lifeless pool today,
the horizon a straight line.

I'm sitting on a bench with my notebook,
a pen, and my camera.

First I snap a photo of the water
a palm tree, and two empty

beach chairs. Then I open
my notebook and begin to write

about the scene, wondering
what it illuminates about my life.

My husband is away for a few days
and I'm loving the solitude.

His side of the bed is a cool prairie
of quiet. The TV remote is mine.

I eat when and what I want.
The toilet seat stays down.

One lonely sailboat slides by,
a triangle of remote longing.

But, for what? There is no answer,
only stormy ripples of haunting

need that litter the calm.
What price am I willing to pay?

I put my pen down, pick up
my camera, take another picture,

then just sit and contemplate
the quiet, the aloneness, the me.


Jae Rose said...

That sounds like a good moment..fully captured..perhaps aloneness is good when you know that prairie in the bed will be filled in a few days..

Unknown said...

Had to smile about the simple joy of finding the toilet seat down! Enjoy your time alone doing what you want when you want!

Sabra Bowers said...

I love solitude. Enjoyed this glimpse of her day.

alan1704 said...

This captures the solitude, that feeling of smallness in a great world.Nicely done

alan1704 said...

This captures the solitude, that feeling of smallness in a great world.Nicely done

Anonymous said...

a cool prairie
of quiet.

great description of the empty side of the bed. Very nice overall

Old Egg said...

What a mixture of emotions you have given us today. Sorry to hear that you know who still needs training. The main thing is to be yourself again to count the stars and the waves and the joys in your life.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

"a cool prairie of quiet"

What a wondrous description of the empty side of your bed!

A Singular Whirl

ms pie said...

i love the lightness of being... yr response to the wordle... not dark in anyway... a liberating response to the remembered me...

Linda's Poems